Ver Angola


Angolan tourism revenues in Portugal soar 122 percent until May

Revenues from Angolan tourism in Portugal more than doubled between January and May this year compared to the same period last year, reaching 118.2 million euros, according to data provided by AICEP to Lusa.


According to information sent by the Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal (AICEP), based on data from the Bank of Portugal (BdP), tourism revenues from Angola in Portugal grew 122.5 percent between January and May this year, compared to the 53.1 million euros registered in the first five months of 2021.

Even so, if between January and May 2021 they accounted for 3.10 percent of the total export value of services recorded under the travel and tourism heading of the Portuguese balance of payments, in the same period this year they accounted for 1.96 percent.

According to the same data, revenues from tourism in Angola in Portugal fell sharply during the pandemic, but the downward trajectory was already being felt.

Between 2017 and 2021, these revenues declined at an average annual rate of 24.3 percent.

In 2017, they amounted to 534.1 million euros, but in 2019 they had fallen to 372.9 million euros.

In 2020 they decreased to 186.8 million euros and in 2021 to 158.8 million euros.

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