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DR Congo and Rwanda agree in Luanda to ceasefire from 4 August

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) and Rwanda agreed this Tuesday in Luanda to a ceasefire that will come into effect from midnight on 4 August 2024.

: Facebook Ministério das Relações Exteriores / MIREX
Facebook Ministério das Relações Exteriores / MIREX  

The decision, announced by the presidential press office, was taken this Tuesday during the second ministerial meeting between the two countries, mediated by Angola.

The ceasefire, agreed on this Tuesday in Luanda, will be supervised by the reinforced Ad Hoc Verification Mechanism.

Before the start of the talks, the delegations led by the heads of diplomacy of the DR Congo and Rwanda were at the Presidential Palace in Luanda, where they were received by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, mandated by the African Union to mediate the peace process in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


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