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Politics Official visit of the Portuguese Prime Minister

Angola and Angola and Portugal will manage hotel management schools in Cabinda and Luanda together

The hotel and tourism schools in Cabinda and Luanda will be managed jointly by Angola and Portugal, as a result of the signing of an agreement that establishes a joint and shared management model for the network of hotel and tourism schools in Angola.

: Linkedin Carlos Abade
Linkedin Carlos Abade  

The joint management of the school in Cabinda will start in September, while that in Luanda is planned for next year, according to Carlos Abade, president of Turismo de Portugal.

"As a result of this protocol, we will begin, in September, the joint and shared management of the Cabinda School of Hotel and Tourism and, in 2025, of the Luanda School of Hotel and Tourism", wrote Carlos Abade in a post on social media.

The president of Turismo de Portugal considered that this is "an important first step in the process of internationalization of the Escolas do Turismo de Portugal, one of the 60 measures of the Accelerate the Economy program, and which reinforces the role of this network of schools as a powerful instrument of international cooperation and connection between peoples".

The agreement was signed this Tuesday, as part of the visit that the Portuguese Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, is making to Angola, having been signed between Turismo de Portugal (on the Portuguese side) and the Tourist Support Office, Training and Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Tourism (on the Angolan side).


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