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122nd edition of the Festivities of 'Nossa Senhora do Monte'


The 122nd edition of the Festivities of 'Nossa Senhora do Monte' will take place in August.

The festival will take place from 1 to 31 August in Lubango.

The festival will feature musical performances by musicians such as Paulo Flores, Ary, Yuri da Cunha and Edmásia Mayembe.

Yannik Afroman, Cage One, Rap Gang, Rui Orlando, Anderson Mário and Jéssica Ningui will also be livening up the festivities.

In addition to national musicians, the festivities will also feature local musicians.

The programme will also include, for the first time, the Moda Huíla, in addition to the usual activities, such as Expo-Huíla, Feira do Gado, etc.

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