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Luanda provincial government to distribute 400 motorbikes for door-to-door garbage collection

The Luanda provincial government is going to distribute 400 motorbikes and other means for public cleaning and solid waste collection in the capital city to all municipalities, according to a statement from the agency.


The document states that the first 28 motorbikes were delivered this Saturday to cooperatives in the municipalities of Viana and Talatona.

This delivery, the note adds, is related to the strategy of the Government of the Province of Luanda, in the field of door-to-door collection, selective collection and collection (collection) of garbage.

Seven companies began at the end of March to clean up nine municipalities in Luanda, to try to remove the garbage that had been accumulating, in an uncontrolled manner, in the streets of the capital since the end of last year, when the Luanda government suspended contracts with the collection companies for inability to pay the debt, causing the discontent of the residents and fears about the spread of diseases, due to the risks to public health.

The problem only began to be resolved after the opening of a tender, in February this year, to select new operators, and the launch of an emergency operation in April coordinated by the central government and in which more than a dozen construction companies participate. , on a voluntary basis.

However, an order from the governor of Luanda, Joana Lina, reports that the contracts signed between the provincial government and the cleaning and solid waste collection operators will end this year, with the services being provided by the Administrative Commission of the City of Luanda and municipal administrations, from 2022.

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