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Sporting fans in Luanda celebrate title in 'double dose' asking for 'bi'

Sporting fans celebrated this Saturday 'doubly' in Luanda, by the sea and in a festive atmosphere, with dance, color and joy, the conquest of the 20th title of Portuguese football champion, appealing for 'bi'.


Young people, children and adults dressed in green and white filled the Posto 7 restaurant, at the entrance to Luanda Island, and 'invaded' by the sea breeze, they sang, danced and effusively celebrated the title secured last Sunday.

With their eyes on the screen, attentive to the game between Estoril Praia and Sporting, cheering at every move from Rúben Amorim's team, they shouted in chorus “champions, we are champions”, having mentioned to Lusa, savoring the title in a “double dose”, after having been practically prevented from celebrating the previous one due to the covid-19 pandemic.

“This victory means a lot to us, I think we were at that stage where 2021 wasn't able to celebrate well, because of Covid-19, so this title comes in double dose and those who are Sporting fans don't feel it, that is an unusual energy. ”, said Herman Carneiro.

The Portuguese-Angolan computer engineer, who joined the party organized by the Núcleo do Sportinguista de Luanda, said he really believes in winning the second championship, if the team remains solid.

Angolan manager Yuri Guimarães, dressed from head to toe in the 'Leonine' colors, expressed his joy at the achievement, hoping that his club, which he classified as “the best in Portugal”, remains stronger for the next challenges.

The Portuguese Francisco Lisboa, in Angola for 12 years, accompanied by his family, praised the “fantastic” atmosphere in honor of Sporting on the Island of Luanda, noting that his “Sporting blood” comes from his grandfather's generation.

“Sporting has been with me since my grandfather, who interestingly was a Sporting player in the 1940s, was a goalkeeper, and from then on it passed on to my grandmother, my mother and I now pass it on to my son and we came here see the game in this fantastic environment, by the sea”, he highlighted.

Sporting soon showed the possibility of regaining the Portuguese title, according to Eugénia das Neves, an Angolan fan, adding that since the beginning of the season they imagined they would be champions.

“I hope for more victories and we wish bi, tri and more”, she said with a radiant smile.

Its vice-president, Igor Couceiro, spoke for the Núcleo Sportinguista in Luanda, stating that winning the championship revitalized the supporters' association, highlighting that the celebration for the title in the Angolan capital symbolizes the dimension of Sporting across borders.

“Sporting is champion, three years later, and the people here show the dimension of Sporting that is beyond its borders, I did expect this victory in the championship, especially given the consistency that Sporting showed throughout the entire season and it could only end as champion”, he concluded.

The fans' joy at winning the title was sealed with the 28th triumph in the I League, thanks to substitute Paulinho's goal in the 81st minute.

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