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BeatrizFranck is hiring and has 100 open positions

BeatrizFranck is hiring. The brand has a hundred vacancies open for various roles, such as accountant, seamstresses, tailors, drivers, among many others.

: Instagram beatrizfranck
Instagram beatrizfranck  

Through a video, published on the brand's Instagram page, businesswoman Beatriz Franck clarifies that the 100 open positions are for the BeatrizFranck brand. "(...) The vacancies are for the BeatrizFranck brand (...). There are 100 vacancies," she said.

"The CVs and the pre-interview will be carried out on Friday, the 24th, here at our headquarters in Benfica", says the businesswoman, asking that "only people who meet the qualifications" requested go to the headquarters, to "avoid riots, floods and so as not to get in the way" the work.

According to the businesswoman, the vacancies were announced in Jornal de Angola, this Monday, so the positions and requirements are included in that newspaper.

The available positions are listed in the video description. Thus, the 100 open vacancies aim to hire people for the positions of general director, accountant, administrative assistant, human resources director, marketing director, press officer, marketing assistant, online manager, warehouse manager, seamstresses, tailors, model makers, designers, window dressers, fashion consultants, jurists, lawyers, drivers, public relations and even couriers.

According to the publication, candidates must submit their CV and "will be subjected to an interview on the 24th of May from 9am at our headquarters, located in Bairro Benfica, Rua do Partido (Passadeira Dona Xepa) Edifício BEATRIZFRANCK", and for more For information, please send an email to

See the video about clarifications here.


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