Ver Angola


Angola wants to gather experiences from Cape Verdean autonomous governance

An Angolan parliamentary delegation began a four-day visit to Cape Verde this Monday to study and gather experiences from the Cape Verdean local government system, at a time when it is concluding its legislative package for local government.


"We came to gather experiences of what the Cape Verdean autonomous local governance system is, with a look at municipal chambers and assemblies", said Rosa Albino, deputy and spokesperson for the Angolan parliamentary delegation, in Praia, on the sidelines of the meeting with the president of the National Assembly of Cape Verde, Austelino Correia.

The objective is also to evaluate relations between central and local bodies, understand how the electoral process takes place and "drink from Cape Verde's experience", she added.

"We know that Cape Verde has already had 30 years of administrative decentralization and this aroused a lot of interest in us, because Angola is, at the moment, in the phase of concluding the municipal legislative package. We want to take advantage of all the good practices. We are at an early stage, we still had a first contact and we hope it will be a successful visit", he declared.

During their stay in Cape Verde, the national delegation will have a working meeting with the Specialized Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Human Rights, Security and State Reform of the National Assembly.

It is also planned to attend the plenary session in May, which runs from Wednesday to Friday this week.


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