Ver Angola


New secretaries of State and members of Sonangol take office

The new Secretaries of State for Agriculture and for Industry, as well as the members of the Sonangol Board of Directors were sworn in, this Thursday, by the President of the Republic.

: Contreiras Pipa/Edições Novembro (Via Jornal de Angola)
Contreiras Pipa/Edições Novembro (Via Jornal de Angola)  

Thus, at the ceremony, João Lourenço inaugurated Castro Paulino Camarada, recently appointed Secretary of State for Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Manuel de Carvalho Rodrigues, appointed Secretary of State for Industry and also João Manuel Bartolomeu da Cunha for the functions of Secretary of State for Forests.

Regarding the flagship oil company, according to Jornal de Angola, its chairman of the Board of Directors, Sebastião Gaspar Martins, was sworn in.

The executive directors Belarmino Emílio Chitangueleca, Baltazar Agostinho Gonçalves Miguel, Jorge Barros Vinhas, Olga Lukocheka da Silva Sabalo Miranda, Kátia Mariana Siliveli Epalanga Lutucuta and Osvaldo Inácio also took office.

The non-executive directors André de Jesus Moda, Lopo Fortunato Ferreira do Nascimento, Augusto Teixeira de Matos and Bernarda Gonçalves Martins were also sworn in by the President of the Republic.

It is recalled that at the beginning of this week the head of State dismissed the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Livestock, the Secretary of State for Forests and the Secretary of State for Industry. Also at the beginning of this week, the president of the Board of Directors of Sonangol, Sebastião Gaspar Martins, was reappointed to the position.


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