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First offshore oil from the Kwanza Basin arrives in 2028. Reserves are estimated at 400 million barrels

The production of the first oil in the Kwanza Basin offshore is expected to take place in 2028, the Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas said this Monday, highlighting the estimated reserves of 400 million barrels.


Diamantino Azevedo was speaking at the signing ceremony of the final investment decision in the Kaminho project in Block 20, which includes the development of the Cameia and Golfinho fields, which are scheduled to enter production in 2028 and 2030, respectively.

Block 20 is located in deep waters of the Kwanza Basin, 170 kilometers south of Luanda and approximately 100 kilometers from the Angolan coast.

The minister added that the project's oil reserves are valued at around 400 million barrels of oil, with an estimated production of 70 thousand barrels of oil per day when fully operational.

“With this project, a new oil province is opened offshore in the Kwanza Basin, whose significant volume of reserves could contribute to the sustainability of national oil production in the medium term and generate additional revenue for the Angolan State”, he said. the ruler.

The production facilities will be designed to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, allowing the total reinjection of associated gas into the reservoirs and eliminating routine gas flaring.

Diamantino Azevedo highlighted the contribution to the decarbonization of oil operations, an approach that he intends to see adopted as a standard in future development projects.

The national oil and gas concessionaire signed this Monday with the French company Total the final investment decision in two fields in Block 20/11 of the Kwanza Basin, worth six billion dollars.

The development of the two fields - Cameia and Golfinho - is part of the Kaminho project, involving the conversion of a VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier) class tanker into a Production, Storage and Unloading Unit (FPSO), connected to a production network underwater.


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