Ver Angola


Trade balance registered a positive balance of 14.90 billion kwanzas in 2022

The national trade balance recorded a positive balance of 14.90 billion kwanzas last year, thus corresponding to growth of around 7.59 percent compared to 2021, when the balance was 13.8 billion kwanzas.


The data are contained in the 'Yearbook of Foreign Trade Statistics – 2022', published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

According to the document, which VerAngola had access to, "the definitive results of foreign trade (exports and imports) calculated for the year 2022, indicate a positive annual rate of change of 9.91 percent for exports and 14.42 percent for percent for imports, when compared to 2021".

In the period under review, among the country's main export partners were China, India and France. "Angola's main export partners during 2022 were the following: China with 43.70 percent, India with 10.24 percent, France with 7.25 percent, the Netherlands with 6.83 percent and Spain with 4.43 percent", reads the document.

In continental terms, the main African export partners were South Africa (47.01 percent), Malawi (13.58 percent), the Democratic Republic of Congo (12.75 percent), São Tomé and Príncipe (5.04 percent) and Togo (4.39 percent).

Still in the period under review, with regard to imports, Angola's main partners were China (16.02 percent), Portugal (10.77 percent), South Korea (9.24 percent) and India (6.10 percent). While at the level of the continent, "South Africa with 54.65 percent, Togo with 12.82 percent, Namibia with 7.17 percent, Morocco with 6.43 percent and Egypt with 3.07 percent ".

With regard to exported products, mineral fuels and pearls, stones and precious metals stand out. "The product groups that had the greatest share in the total value of exports were, fundamentally, 'mineral fuels' with 94.92 percent and 'pearls; stones and precious metals' with 3.97 percent", reads the document.

"In the total value of imports, the groups of products that most stood out were: 'mineral fuels' with 22.42 percent; 'machines and equipment' with 18.57 percent; 'food' with 12.24 percent, 'chemicals' with 9.35 percent and 'vehicles and other means of transport' with 9.03 percent", adds INE.

Last year, the note adds, according to "the classification by major economic categories (CGCE), the goods that had the greatest share in total exports were 'fuels and lubricants' with 94.45 percent; 'non-industrial supplies specified in other categories' with 4.95 percent", while "in the total value of imports the ones that stood out the most were: 'industrial supplies not specified in other categories' with 23.59 percent; 'fuels and lubricants' with 22.31 percent; 'capital goods (except transport equipment) parts and accessories' with 18.71 percent and 'food products and beverages' with 17.19 percent".


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