The work aims to reinforce the national electricity network "to allow the capacity generated in the North to be taken to the Center and South regions, in order to balance access to electricity throughout the national territory".
The 220 kV Lomaum-Huambo transport system is part of this strategy, allowing to guarantee the flow of energy to the entire Central region and its main consumption centers (Benguela and Huambo).
The 109 million contract, to be signed with the National Transport Network, provides for the construction, supply, assembly, commissioning and commissioning of the 220 kV Lomaum-Huambo transmission line and associated substations.
Elecnor, more specifically the Boavista substation in Luanda, was part of the itinerary for the official visit of the head of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, in April.
Iqa is the British subsidiary of Elecnor.