Ver Angola

Raw Materials

Diamond production yields 10.5 million kwanzas to the State in the first quarter

In the first three months of 2020, the production of 2.11 million carats of diamonds yielded 10,577 million kwanzas in taxes.


According to AGT data, cited by Jornal de Angola, 4117 million kwanzas were collected in royalties from the sale of diamonds. From the industrial tax, 6459 million kwanzas were collected, making a total of 10,577 million kwanzas.

As for the purchase prices of diamonds, between January and March, the value varied between 214.32 dollars and 1119.43 dollars, with a total of 289.9 million dollars collected.

Last year, the gross revenue from diamond production stood at 1263 million dollars, thus reaching a growth of 10 per cent compared to 2018, writes the same newspaper.


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