Ver Angola


'Boa Estadia' is the first short-term lease platform in Angola

A project by the team responsible for AngoCasa - national real estate portal - 'Boa Estadia' appears to respond to the growing demand for short term rental properties. This, which has become a popular alternative for tourists all over the world, is now arriving in Angola.


'Boa Estadia' intends to offer all kinds of short term rental solutions in Angola, including private houses and apartments, bungalows and more traditional accommodation such as guesthouses and hotels, explains a statement sent to VerAngola.

Those responsible for the project, who they consider to be a pioneer in the country, also explain that although "giants of the international accommodation industry" such as Airbnb and Booking are present in Angola, reservations made through these platforms must be paid in dollars or euros, " which makes these solutions less attractive to Angolans ".

Thus, 'Boa Estadia' was developed with a focus on national consumers, with all accommodation prices in Angola being in kwanzas.

In the operating model, similar to that of other international platforms, the host has full control over availability, prices, accommodation rules and with regard to interaction with guests.

The Boa Estadia will be available on the AngoCasa platform itself, "thus benefiting from greater immediate exposure", but can also be accessed directly on its own domain at

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