The information was advanced by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, in a statement to which VerAngola had access.
"The meeting held between the entities had the objective of requesting institutional support from the Dutch delegation for the project on the viability of e-certification and phytosanitary service in Angola", reads the note.
According to the statement, the project aims to "contribute to the improvement of phytosanitary services in Angola, in order to facilitate fruit and vegetable exports".
On the occasion, the ambassador referred that trade in agricultural products between the Netherlands and Angola still has "limited volume and value", however "agricultural exports from Angola to the Netherlands (European Union) should grow in the coming years", says the communicated.
Tsjeard Hoekstra also underlined that "the introduction of e-certification in Angola" will also bring benefits to the agro-industry in both countries: "The introduction of e-certification in Angola will also be beneficial to the agro-industry in both countries, the electronic certification can prevent fraud, making Angola a more reliable trading partner for Dutch companies," he said, quoted in the statement.