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Raw Materials

Micro-diamond lab in Saurimo is almost ready

The first micro-diamond laboratory in Saurimo, in the province of Lunda Sul, is ready for its opening, on the 25th of April.


According to a statement made available by the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, the works are 98 percent complete. The information was provided by Silva Ginga, coordinator of the project, during a visit by the Secretary of State for Mineral Resources.

"The objective is that before the opening of the laboratory, it will be working", he said, adding that "there are already samples for technical tests".

Jânio Correa Victor received information that the technicians who will carry out the operational assembly of the equipment will start to climb Luanda in the first week of April.

National technicians will operate the laboratory, which will have the support of diamond companies to monitor the initial phase.

The laboratory will provide support services for diamond research, allowing companies in the subsector operating in the country to save resources, as they no longer have to go abroad for the aforementioned analyses.

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