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University teachers will be evaluated for their performance

Higher education teachers will be evaluated for their performance. The evaluation will begin next year and will be done by a committee chosen for this purpose.


According to the regulation, published in Diário da República on 27 April, this decision aims to "promote the quality of higher education, causing higher education institutions and teachers to develop, qualitatively, the three pillars of their mission, namely teaching, scientific research and university extension".

The assessment will be carried out and used when it proves necessary to resort to open-ended contracts, to renew a fixed-term contract, possible career progression and the awarding of prizes based on performance.

According to Novo Jornal, it is already from next year that all higher education teachers from public, public-private and private schools will be evaluated. Besides the evaluation committee, students will also evaluate teachers.

If the final grade is 'insufficient', the teacher will be subject to an inquiry process. If during "two consecutive periods" the grade of the evaluation is negative, consequences such as "the termination of the contract or the termination of the relationship with the educational institution for teachers on probationary basis" will be applied, determines the regulation.

On the other hand, if the grade obtained is excellent, the teacher receives "the right to a mention and performance award, thus enabling the competition to the next category, provided that it meets the requirements for career progression".

Outside the evaluation are teachers in management positions, such as rectors and directors.

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