The properties have different structures and for this reason the prices charged are also different. However, Adilson Silva underlined that the payment term can be extended so that the prices become all the same, admitting that this process is already in execution.
"In this way, what and will do is to standardize the payment period, from 15 to 20 years, to 30 years", he said to Jornal de Angola.
This standardization, according to the responsible, aims to help the families to pay the rents.
"There has been no change in house prices, the payment periods have been extended. The State made a point of not harming the citizen, assuming that the economic changes are not their responsibility", he explained.
The administrator of the Fomento Habitacional Fund also made it known that attempts are being made to find the residents who have not yet paid the rent: "People will be made aware of the regularization of credits. After this period, citizens who do not pay may lose the property," he warned.
However, he appealed to residents who have more difficulties to go to a service station to "explain the situation and negotiate an appropriate modality with the fund," since the fund does not require the owner to pay the rent.
The expense can be settled by a family member: "These facilities arise because of life's setbacks. The person may have lost his or her job over that time. Then beneficiaries are given several options, which may include a new financial officer. The intention is not to go to coercive collection, nor to make evictions".
Finally, the person in charge also asked those who have made the payments on a regular basis to consult their payment history. "There are people who are deducted monthly, but the evidence is not recognised". In other words, the transfer is made, but may not be confirmed, so it's best to go to a post "at least once a year" to regularise the situation.