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Real Estate

Almost 55,000 applicants for 560 lots in Kilamba. Draw is this Tuesday

There are more than 50,000 candidates to purchase one of the 560 plots of infrastructured land in the Centrality of Kilamba. The draw takes place on Tuesday, March 24, and will be broadcast on television.


Responsible for the sale of the lots, the Infrastructure Land Management Company (EGTI) announced that 54,986 candidates are eligible to participate in the draw, registered in person or online.

As registered in previous drawings, a computer platform will be used, whose software will choose the code of the candidate drawn at random, says Jornal do Imobiliário.

The lots are divided into six types, including single-family, multi-family housing, culture / leisure and services, commerce, education and health. The vast majority are intended for housing: 468 lots for houses (single-family housing) and 61 for buildings with up to five floors (multi-family housing).

The list of winners will be published on the EGTI website and in Jornal de Angola. The process is coordinated and supervised by the Gaming Supervision Institute and the National Consumer Protection Institute.

Recently, criticisms of the draw were heard, taking into account that several people consider that the delivery of the construction of the properties to the selected buyers will disfigure the urban planning in the city of Kilamba. Remember that AGTI establishes only the following architectural models.

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