Ver Angola


Portuguese President of the Republic visits Angola's stand at the Lisbon Tourism Exchange

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of the Republic of Portugal, visited Angola's stand at the Lisbon International Tourism Exchange (BTL 2024). The visit took place this Wednesday, during the opening ceremony of the event.

: Facebook BTL Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa
Facebook BTL Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa  

The Portuguese head of state's visit to the Angolan stand was marked by interaction with tour operators and tasting of "local kitutes", at a moment where the Angolan ambassador to Portugal and the general director of the Instituto de Fomento Turístico de Angola (Infotur) were also present.

According to a statement from Infotur, to which VerAngola had access, the ties of friendship and cooperation between Angola and Portugal were also highlighted.

"The presence of the Angolan ambassador to Portugal, Maria de Jesus dos Santos Ferreira, the general director of Infotur, Afonso Vita, further enriched the moment, having interacted with the different tour operators and savored the local kitutes, highlighting the ties of friendship and cooperation between the two countries", the note reads.

According to Infotur, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa's visit "demonstrated the mutual interest in strengthening bilateral relations and developing tourism between Portugal and Angola".

BTL 2024 started this Wednesday (28 February) and will run until next Sunday, with the presence of 450 exhibitors and 85 international destinations.

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