Ver Angola

Raw Materials

Agreements with Anglo American will be "good for Angola", says company CEO

The agreements signed between Angola and Anglo American, which confirm the delivery of five mining concessions for exploration of basic metals to the mining company, will be "good for Angola and the local communities," said Mark Cutifani, the company's CEO.


He also said he hoped that the agreements would be "also positive for Angloamerican".

The company signed five mining investment contracts with the government in November 2019: three at Cunene for basic metals (copper, cobalt and nickel) and two at Moxico for copper, cobalt and silver.

Mark Cutifani also said that he intends to start exploration work this year as soon as the nature of the relationship with the government of João Lourenço is finished and defined.

"The five agreements are very comprehensive" and required "a lot of work and discussion," but "we are very pleased with the vision that the minister [of Mineral Resources and Petroleum] has for the country and for the mining industry," Mark Cutifani said as he left a meeting with Diamantino Azevedo at the International Mining Fair.


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