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'Barbie Telma': a doll against prejudice is proposed by singer Telma Lee

It is called ‘Barbie Telma’ and it is a new project by the singer Telma Lee. With the motto of challenging society and breaking prejudices, the artist will launch 2000 copies of a doll made in her image.


After being criticized for her physical appearance - mostly on social media - the singer says she thought of a way to invite people to love and accept each other as they are.

"In June, your kid will be able to play close to your favorite artist, 'Princess Lee'", announced the singer on her Instagram page.

Thus, with the launch scheduled for the children's month, 2000 copies of ‘Barbie Telma’ will be offered for sale.

The singer herself reveals that this project was already an old desire, which arose about 5/6 years ago, when her name started to assert itself in the national musical panorama: “I never felt inhibited with my body or with the comments around him. This doll really comes purposefully, in a way of challenging society that needs to undress some standards. I already had the project in mind, but in 2017, when I saw the poster for my first big show, I decided to bet heavily on this idea”, said Telma Lee.

Other well-known names from the national showbiz have already congratulated the singer, such as Yola Araújo, Celma Ribas or Leila Lopes.

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