In a statement sent to the Lusa agency, AT reveals that the seizure of the 36,000 cigarettes of the Pall Mal brand occurred within the scope of the defense of the external border, more specifically in the customs control of passengers and their luggage through the Customs of Porto Airport.
“In view of the increasing volume of travel by travelers and the need to supervise the supply chain, customs services use risk management to carry out effective and efficient controls, avoid unjustified disruption to legitimate travelers and use resources efficiently. thereby protecting EU citizens and legitimate businesses”.
The 36,000 cigarettes of the Pall Mal brand were hidden "in three hold bags, carried by two passengers from Angola", says the same statement.
The detection of illicit cigarette traffic was carried out by customs officials, through inspection and control techniques developed by AT.
According to the Portuguese legislation in force, the cigarettes were seized and will be subject to destruction, under customs control.