Ver Angola


Minister of Justice guarantees that no one will be arrested for expressing themselves freely in Angola

The Government said on Thursday that in Angola there is freedom of expression at all levels, in traditional media, radio, television networks, newspapers or websites and no one is arrested for expressing their opinion freely.


The statements by the Minister of Justice, Marcy Lopes, were made in Geneva, at the presentation session of the report to the Working Group of the United Nations Human Rights Council during the 4th universal periodic review.

The minister responded to comments and questions made by his peers at the meeting, reinforcing that there is freedom of expression and demonstration in any part of the territory, as long as the legislation is respected.

“No one is punished or arrested for demonstrating,” he said, adding that those who are arrested are those who, in using this exercise, “break the rules, violate the rights of third parties and commit acts of vandalism or attack people in these places and, obviously , the police have to intervene.”

Marcy Lopes assured that violence against protesters does not exist: “On the contrary, there is freedom of expression, what happens, sometimes, is that protesters vandalize shop windows, break windows and are arrested, there are no arbitrary arrests of protesters”.

Recently, Amnesty International launched a campaign for the release of four activists and influencer Neth Nahara, sentenced to prison terms for insulting and slandering the President of the Republic.

The five were released in January as part of a presidential pardon.

The Minister of Justice, responding to questions related to gender equality, highlighted that there are many women in top positions and there are no salary differences, considering that “there is no discrimination in law or in fact”.

Marcy Lopes also rejected the existence of female genital mutilation in Angola and assured that there are no refugees in detention centers, but illegal foreign citizens, many of whom are linked to mining.


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