Ver Angola


Government to pay January and February retroactive payments in 25 percent adjustment to public sector salaries

The Secretary of State for Labor and Pensions, Pedro Filipe, left the guarantee that the Executive will adjust civil servants' salaries by around 25 percent until the end of March, with retroactive effects for the first two months of this year.

: RTP Africa
RTP Africa  

Pedro Filipe assured that the retroactive adjustments, which were initially scheduled for this month, are guaranteed.

"We realize that there are great expectations from employees and administrative agents, but we had the opportunity to mention that we will comply, at the latest by the end of March this year", said the Secretary of State, speaking after a meeting lasting around four hours between the Executive and the unions, which took place this Tuesday, to address issues related to the implementation of the salary adjustment.

"More than that, we assure our partners that the retroactive payments for the month that is now running, therefore, from the month of January, are sufficiently assured", he added, quoted by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA).

According to the person responsible, "even if there is some delay in the materialization of this measure, the processing of retroactive payments is guaranteed because the agreement stated that it would begin in January".

Although the implementation of the measure is suffering delays due to some legislative procedures, he reaffirmed that the 25 percent increase is guaranteed in the first three months of this year, as a result of the agreement signed last year between the unions and the government.

Pedro Filipe, quoted by Angop, also reiterated his commitment to continuing the process, dialogue and realizing the aspirations of the unions and the Government.

Francisco Jacinto, secretary general of the Central General of Independent and Free Unions of Angola (CGSILA), did not provide details about retroactive payments, having only confirmed this possibility.

Although the Government has promised the payment of retroactive payments, the general secretary of CGSILA said that the union organizations will continue to dialogue with the Government until the agreement is fulfilled and informed that the centrals will examine the issue in depth at a meeting scheduled for Friday, writes Angop.

It is worth remembering that, last week, Pedro Filipe had announced that civil servants would benefit from a 25 percent salary increase - initially scheduled for this month - during the first quarter of this year.


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