Ver Angola


Government ends sale of packets of spirits from March

The Government will ban the production and sale of spirit drinks in packets, and they will be compulsorily sold in glass packaging from March onwards, according to a decree to which Lusa had access.


The diploma from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, which complies with a measure announced in June last year, justifies the elimination of the famous "little packages" with issues of public health, environment and trade order.

The consumption of whiskey and similar drinks in small plastic packaging in Angola, sold on a large scale on public roads, is a concern for several sectors, being consumed by low-income citizens, due to the cost of the product.

A "package" of whiskey is sold between 50 and 250 kwanzas, depending on the brand and its flavor.

The product, which is widely consumed daily, especially in markets, taxi ranks and peri-urban areas, also contributes to environmental pollution, as a result of the enormous amount of plastic that is thrown away.

The diploma published in the Diário da República on January 12th gives economic agents that produce or sell spirit drinks a period of 60 days, for them to adopt the new rules, applicable to drinks intended for human consumption with an ethyl content equal to or greater than 15 percent of the volume, including whiskey, brandy, vodka, gin, rum, etc.

From March 12th, these drinks will have to be packaged in glass containers, and the production, import and sale of spirits that violate the provisions of the diploma will be prohibited.


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