Ver Angola


More than 75 million euros approved for the construction of the Luanda Ophthalmological Institute

The province of Luanda will have an Ophthalmological Institute, valued at more than 75 million euros, to provide specialized medical assistance to the population, through the diagnosis and treatment of eye pathologies.


The Luanda Ophthalmological Institute will also provide assistance and follow-up to patients on an outpatient basis, from different hospital units, as well as the training of senior and middle management in the field of ophthalmology, says a statement from the Executive to which VerAngola had access.

The President of the Republic authorized the expenditure and formalized the opening of a simplified contracting procedure for the construction and equipment of the institute, in the amount of 75,188 million euros, to be concluded with the company Sociéte Française D'Equipament Hospitalier.

The inspection services will cost 1033 million kwanzas.

The Minister of Health, Sílvia Lutucuta, was delegated the competence to approve the parts of the procedure and verify the validity and legality of all acts related to the contract, while the Ministry of Finance will be responsible for ensuring the availability of financial resources for the project .

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