Ver Angola


Government to create framework of incentives for investment in renewable energy

The Government wants to create a new framework of incentives for investment in renewable energy, to attract private initiatives, according to a document approved this Tuesday by the Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers.


The memorandum on the incentive model to be adopted for investments in renewable energy presents the diagnosis made to the national energy sector, establishes the assumptions for achieving the goals defined in the National Strategy for Renewable Energies and proposes a new framework of incentives within the scope of renewable energy, "in order to promote the attraction of private initiatives".

Angola's National Strategy for Renewable Energies establishes that by 2025 at least 7.5 percent of the electricity generated in the country will come from new renewable energies, with a projected 800 MW of power.

The Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers also approved a memorandum that presents solutions for the reconfiguration of the ENSA-Investimentos e Participações group "based on the premise of autonomy of ENSA-Seguros" to "improve the appreciation of potential investors and the market in general, making the process of its privatization viable.

A memorandum was also approved identifying the strategic lines of operation of the Strategic Food Reserve, a mechanism created in 2018, aimed at stabilizing prices and guaranteeing the supply of basic foodstuffs at rational and fair prices in the domestic market.

At the same meeting, a decree was approved that establishes the rules regarding the composition and functioning of the Technical Commission for the Development of the Angolan Payment System, an advisory body to the National Bank of Angola.

The Economic Commission also appreciated the Executive Macroeconomic Programming for the Economic Year 2021, as well as the Execution Rules of the General State Budget for the Economic Year 2021, besides other technical documents related to financial execution.

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