Ver Angola


OPEC projection of 5.9 million barrels/day is "welcome turnaround" says minister

Angola considered the projections of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), of growth in demand for crude oil by about 5.9 million barrels a day, a "welcome turnaround" in a market devastated by the covid-19.


The optimism was expressed by the Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino de Azevedo, when he was speaking, by video conference, at the 13th OPEC ministerial meeting.

Diamantino de Azevedo said that 2020 was not easy for any of the member states, because the covid-19 was "a blow" to their economies.

"It opened deep holes in budgets and significantly delayed investment plans. OPEC projections for growth in demand for crude oil in 2021 - around 5.9 million barrels per day - are a welcome turnaround, taking into account the devastation of the market last year, "he said.

The minister stressed that, however, with global demand expected at around 96 million barrels per day, it is four million below pre-pandemic projections in 2020.

"When we started a new year, we also started a new important phase in our production adjustments. We are making the transition from crisis management to supporting the global recovery", he stressed.

The holder of the Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas portfolio recognized that the challenge is greater and more complex than any producing country or company can handle.

"We all benefit when we are together and keep the journey together," said the official, reaffirming that Angola is proud to be part of the effort to stabilize the market and the contribution given "shoulder to shoulder" with all OPEC and non- OPEC.

Diamantino de Azevedo also expressed pride that Angola was directly involved in the decision-making process that led the organization to extend the scope of collaboration, through the Declaration of Cooperation.

The benefits of the Declaration of Cooperation were clear enough in the wake of the 2014-2016 market crisis, stressed the minister, stressing that it helped restore market confidence and stability and paved the way for the 2019 Letter of Cooperation, promoting a new platform for collaboration, "in addition to the important market balancing process".

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