Ver Angola


Consumer protection will punish unilateral tuition rise in general education

The National Institute for Consumer Protection (Inadec) has criticized the claim of private educational institutions to "unilaterally readjust" the prices of tuition and fees for the school year 2020, admitting to "hold civil and criminally liable" violators.


According to an Inadec press release released Thursday, many private education institutions tend to unilaterally raise tuition and fee prices, clinging to an alleged readjustment, an intention that the public agency repudiates.

Enrollment and confirmation of enrollment for general education 2020 in Angola is already underway and the start of classes is scheduled for the first of February.

Inadec recalls that for readjustment of fees "positive consent" is required from the Competition Regulatory Authority of the Ministry of Finance, which requested the submission of a document authorizing the procedure "having so far not obtained any pronouncement".

The institution under the Ministry of Commerce warns that unilateral price hikes with the prior authorization of the authorities result in a violation of different legal acts, including the Education and Teaching System Basic Law and the Consumer Protection Law.

"The adoption of such procedures is also considered a crime of speculation, punishable under the Criminal Code, and for suppliers who insist on such a practice, Inadec will trigger all judicial mechanisms for administrative, civil and criminal liability," reads the communicated.

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