Ver Angola


Angola spent 318 million on pensions for ex-military personnel in 2019

The government spent 160.4 billion kwanzas (318 million dollars) last year on 72,259 Peace Accord pensioners, of which more than half for retirement, was released.


According to a press release from the Social Security Fund of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA), made public this Tuesday, the last pensioners, more than 24,000, were added to the payment system in 2019, and the process "is already closed".

According to data released by the FAA Social Security, 43,233 of the total number of pensioners receive a retirement pension and 66 have an invalidity pension. Subsidies were also paid to 1145 ascending (survivors) pensioners (fathers and mothers), 8559 widows and 19,256 orphans.

The FAA Social Security System pensioners are ex-military demobilized under the Angola Peace Accords signed since 1991.

These are officers of the extinct Popular Armed Forces of Liberation of Angola (FAPLA), former MPLA armed wing, extinct Armed Forces of Liberation of Angola (FALA) and ex-UNITA soldiers demobilized in the light of the Bicesse Agreements (Estoril, 1991).

It also includes demobilized ex-military personnel under the Luena General Agreement (April 2, 2002) and the Memorandum of Understanding for Peace and Reconciliation in Cabinda, signed in August 2006 between the Government and the Cabindan Forum for Dialogue.

The FAA Social Security Fund says that the process of inserting ex-military personnel from the peace process to Angola "is closed", alerting, however, to the existence of "some opportunists who intend to extort uninformed citizens".

For the institution, under the tutelage of the Angolan Ministry of National Defense, citizens who, "proven", promise to register and enter the FAA Social Security system "will be held criminally liable".

"However, we ask citizens who are victims of extortion to report these facts to legal entities", the document reads.

According to the agency, attention for 2020 will be centered on the registration and insertion process in the System of 2325 military personnel from the normal licensing process by age limit or end of career.

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