Ver Angola


Ministry of Culture elects conclusion of the National Archive as a priority

The Ministry of Culture has elected as a priority for this year the conclusion of the construction of the National Archive, the restoration of cultural centres in the villages and the preparation of the dossier to raise Cuito Cuanavale to World Heritage.


The information was advanced this Wednesday by the Minister of Culture, Maria da Piedade de Jesus, in the ceremony of deposition of a wreath in the statue of the first President, António Agostinho Neto, in the scope of the National Day of the Culture, that is marked this Wednesday.

In declarations to the press, the minister referred that the homage to the "great poet of Angola, António Agostinho Neto", the first one to promote the national culture in a speech in 1979, marks the festivities of the National Day of the Culture.

"This is a tribute as a man of culture and great poet, had to be the first thing to be done on this day of culture, January 8", said the governor.

For this year, Maria da Piedade de Jesus said that all areas are important for Culture, but there will be priorities for its promotion and development, highlighting the restoration and creation of cultural centers in the "ombalas" (the umbundu term meaning the place where the king lives) and also the completion of the construction of the National Archive.

"The priorities will depend a lot on the budget that exists, but in principle a piece of the budget is proposed for each of the cultural themes," said the minister.

The Minister also pointed the importance to be given this year to the cultural industries, which she considered "an important element for the sector and for social development", as well as scientific research in the area of culture and all the others.

Regarding the process of inscription of the Cuito Cuanavale monument in the world heritage list, Maria da Piedade de Jesus mentioned that this year the work already begun in 2019 will continue, with the investigative documentary work and the delimitation of the space, for later preparation of the dossier for future inscription.

In turn, the governor of the province of Luanda, Luther Rescova, who deposited the wreath in the statue of António Agostinho Neto, said that there are still challenges in the sector of culture, namely the need for greater dissemination and more investments in the cultural industry, for a greater contribution to social inclusion and creation of opportunities for the makers of culture.

The program of the commemorations foresees, beyond the deposition of the crown of flowers in the statue of António Agostinho Neto, the reinauguration of a cultural space, for the vice-president of the Republic, Bornito de Sousa, in the Sequele.

Besides the province of Luanda, other regions of the country also commemorate the date, with cultural events, including debates, saraus, art exhibitions, theatre and street dances, visits to historical monuments, lectures, among others.

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