Ver Angola

Politics Official visit of Joe Biden

Biden wants to return to Angola to travel the Lobito Corridor

US President Joe Biden said this Wednesday that he wants to return to Angola to take a train trip along the Lobito Corridor.

: Facebook Presidência da República - Angola
Facebook Presidência da República - Angola  

The head of state was speaking at the end of a meeting, in Benguela, with his counterparts from Angola, Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, in which the strategic importance of this railway infrastructure was discussed and new financing was announced, in the last stage of his 72nd visit hours to the country.

"I'm going back to ride the train, do the whole journey," he said, highlighting that he's been on trains all his life and learned a lot about the subject.

"So I'm going back, I want to take a trip on this train, if I can", he reinforced.

Biden said that the Lobito Corridor is not just a line with rails, but rather building a better future so that people have more benefits and opportunities and insisted that "Africa is the future".

The North American President highlighted the time gains achieved in terms of cheaper and less polluting transport, and announced new financing of 600 million dollars, bringing total US investments in the Lobito Corridor to 4 billion dollars.

International investment in the Lobito Corridor exceeded 6 billion dollars, including the private sector, regional development banks and G7 partners, Biden said.

We need to continue working together to mobilize more capital, to build more infrastructure, urged the American head of state.

Joe Biden ended his 72-hour visit to Angola in Benguela this Wednesday, from where he returned to his country this afternoon.


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