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Events > Conferences

2nd edition of the Technology and Education Forum


On the 6th and 7th of December, the 2nd edition of the Technology and Education Forum (FTE) will take place.

The forum will take place at ENAPP, in Luanda, under the motto "Technology and Education for Sustainable Development".

The forum will take place between 9am and 5pm.

The event will bring together more than 500 participants, including educational managers, teachers, researchers, students, businesspeople, diplomatic staff, education representatives from embassies accredited in Angola and professionals from public and private organizations linked to technology and education.

This edition will feature the participation of national and international speakers to address topics such as pedagogical innovation, active methodologies, personalization of learning, 21st century skills, distance education, inclusive education, educational assessment, teacher training, public policies and educational entrepreneurship.

Among the confirmed speakers are Bornito de Sousa, Manuel Homem, António Pacavira and André Mpumba Pedro.

You can find out more about the event here.

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