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New novel by Pepetela among the latest news from publisher Leya

Contos de Luísa Costa Gomes, novos romances de Pepetela, Mia Couto e David Machado, e uma nova colecção literária de Ana Maria Magalhães e Isabel Alçada estão entre as novidades do grupo editorial Leya para os próximos meses.


This month, “Os Dias do Ruído” is published by D. Quixote, a new novel by David Machado, which “explores the complex dimensions of the contemporary world, deeply dominated by social networks”, alongside the novels “Autobiografia de Jesus”, by Miguel Real, and “Desertar”, by the Frenchman Mathias Enard.

There will also be a new book of short fiction by Luísa Costa Gomes, entitled “Visitar amigos e outro contos”, and by the same author the work “Sacadura Cabral: o Aviador na Marinha (1881-1915)”, which marks the hundredth anniversary of his death by Sacadura Cabral and which “tries to reconstruct, with largely unpublished information, what was least known about him”.

Also noteworthy is the publication of two Camões award-winning novels: by the Angolan writer Pepetela and the Mozambican Mia Couto.

“Tudo-está-ligado” by Pepetela is expected in October, and is described as a “new, contemporary romance, with a range of memorable characters in a Benguela background”.

For November, the publisher Caminho bets on “A blindness of Rio”, by Mia Couto, in a story that “takes place on the stage of the war between Portugal and Germany”. “The German military made incursions into Mozambique and the following month Portugal sent the first of several military expeditions to the colonies. Fighting became widespread at the end of 1914 in the south of Angola and in the north of Mozambique”, summarizes the publisher.

From the American writer Paul Auster, who died in April, comes “American Bloodbath”, a “personal assessment” about “the idolatry of carrying weapons in American culture”, writes publisher Asa.

Between essay and record of memories, “American Bloodbath” includes black and white photographs by American photographer Spender Ostrander.

Asa also plans to publish “The Guardian”, the debut novel by Dutch author Yael van der Wouden, which was nominated for the Booker literary prize.

Casa das Letras publishes “Conversations on Faith”, which puts American director Martin Scorsese and Italian theologian Antonio Spadaro in dialogue, and “Lou Reed: The King of New York”, a biography by Will Hermes about that American musician .

From the editorial news until November, and following the trend of adapting literary works into comics, Asa will publish the graphic novel “The God of the Flies”, by Dutch author Aimé de Jongh, based on the 1954 novel by William Golding.

From Isabel Alçada and Ana Maria Magalhães, the same authors of the “Uma Aventura” series, Caminho proposes “It Happened at School”, a new literary collection for the youngest and which addresses subjects that, according to the publisher, “may interest students ” especially in the first cycle, such as animals, nature, learning games.

With illustrations by Pedro Rocha and Mello, the first two volumes are published: “The mysterious professor” and “A Semana Verde”.

In the children's and youth area, it is also worth highlighting a new book by Rita Taborda Duarte, entitled “Gaspar, com os povos bem asasses na Lua”, with illustrations by Sebastião Peixoto.

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