Ver Angola


Giorgio Armani chooses Elsa Baldaia for the new campaign

Elsa Baldaia now joins the Armani family as the protagonist of the new Fall / Winter 2020-21 campaign, designed by Giulio Rustichelli. The Italian brand, founded by stylist Giorgio Armani, continues to invest in timeless collections.


In a statement sent to VerAngola, Elsa Baldaia is happy about this feat and confesses: "Working with a brand that has everything to do with me is motivating. I am very happy with the result of the campaign. The elegance and power of Giorgio Armani are evident ".

The Portuguese-Angolan was recently the face of the cosmetics brand La Mer and the campaign of the Italian OOF WEAR.

Remember that the model is managed by Da Banda. In 2019, Da Banda Model Management moved its headquarters to Lisbon and started scouting in the Portuguese market. The modeling agency, created in Luanda, focuses on scouting and career management of international top models as
Amilna Estevão, Blésnya Minher and Alécia Morais.

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