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Periodic presentations for general accused of the crime of outraging the State

Retired general and former UNITA leader Abílio Kamalata Numa was, this Tuesday, subject to an identity and residence term and periodic presentations in a process in which he is accused of the crime of outraging the State.

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

The retired general arrived at 11:00 am at the Attorney General's Office, where a strong police force had been set up, to be questioned for alleged crimes of outrage against the State, its organs and symbols, and left the building at around 3:00 pm.

As he left the building, Kamalata Numa told reporters that the complaint was filed by the Military Prosecutor's Office, due to a publication in which he raised suspicions about the death of the former Deputy Chief of Staff for the Operational Development Area of ​​the Angolan Armed Forces, General Abreu Kamorteiro, who died of illness on 27 November 2022.

"I was incisive in saying that there was possibly human involvement, but I did not identify with the extract they made from Facebook. I will look at the publication I made and after that I will add it to the records and return here to the DNIAP [National Directorate of Investigation and Criminal Prosecution]", said Abílio Kamalata Numa.

As he is a retired general, the case is being handled by the Attorney General's Office, where it responds to the special jurisdiction it enjoys.

According to the retired general and former candidate for the leadership of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), the records state that he said that General Kamorteiro died of poisoning, at a time when he was about to be appointed Chief of Staff of the Angolan Armed Forces.

Abreu Muengo Ukwachitembo "Kamorteiro", who at the time of his death was Deputy Chief of Staff for the Operational Development Area of ​​the Angolan Armed Forces, was a co-signatory of the peace agreements for Angola, signed on 4 April 2002 by UNITA, alongside General Armando da Cruz Neto, then Chief of Staff of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA).

For Abílio Kamalata Numa, "this is more about politics than anything else", reiterating that "the quality of democracy needs to improve in Angola, because the little chicken thief is caught and the real thief is left behind".

When asked if he believes that the case is in a position to continue, he replied that "anything can be expected from the MPLA [Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola]".

The general stressed that Angola's democratic rule of law is "strange" to him, because it is not "like that of other countries, where democracy is consolidated".

"Here it seems that there are some things that cannot be said, but we will improve. We need to have courage to improve the quality of democracy in our country", he said.

Abílio Kamalata Numa said that his lawyer has two weeks to work on the case after this first interrogation.

In statements to the Lusa news agency, Abílio Kamalata Numa's lawyer said that his client was placed under a term of identity and residence, with the obligation to periodically report to the authorities.

Manuel Kamuari said that this is a mild measure of personal coercion, highlighting that his constituent has a duty to report to the authorities once a month.


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