Ver Angola


Authorities suspend access to lake in Cabinda due to suspected contamination

Authorities suspended fishing and recreational activities in Lake Massabi, Cabinda province, due to suspected contamination, said a local government source.


The situation was reported by the provincial secretary of the Environment, Waste Management and Community Services, Juliano Capita, stating that it is the Massabi lake, which comprises the villages of Sango and Chicaca, commune of Massabi, municipality of Cacongo.

Speaking to Lusa, the person responsible reported a very dense and viscous green substance that covered the shore and a large part of the lake's surface, turning part of the water green, and communities were urged not to access the water.

The local government took action, "first to take care of the safety of the communities and then to collect samples for laboratory analysis in the interest of determining the type of substance and also the degree of danger for the communities", he said.

According to Juliano Capita, the Massabi lake is one of the largest in the district. Fishing and recreational activities have been suspended pending laboratory results.

“But also, there are no indicators of more serious things, like dead fish. The animals circulate normally and are even moving well through the paste created by this product”, he highlighted, also guaranteeing that the results of the analyzes “will be coming soon”.

“It was in the last few days that the situation began to become more evident, but if it persists there are neighboring villages with water holes where the population can move and we also plan to supply the communities with water cisterns”, he concluded.

Cacongo is one of four municipalities in the province of Cabinda, an enclave in northern Angola.

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