Speaking on Thursday, as part of the closing ceremony for the 2023/2024 military higher education year, the official said that this change would help officers seeking to advance to higher positions in the FAA.
The official explained that the school in question is a military education establishment aimed at training, improving, specializing and qualifying officers of the armed forces, as well as other professionals in strategic, operational, tactical and administrative studies, corresponding to the last level of training in a military career, writes Angop.
In addition, the school also promotes research and development in fields related to defense, strategy, as well as national and international security.
According to the official, in the current situation, the military must remain strong and aware that the general scenario is constantly changing, requiring a continuous ability to adapt and innovate, obtained through investment in human resources training, writes Angop.
Currently, the training offered by the Escola Superior de Guerra includes courses in Strategy and Operational Art, Command and Management, Command and General Staff, Organization of Moral and Psychological Assurance and Promotion to Senior Officer, reserved only for officers who already have a degree.
It should be noted that the academic year that ended on Thursday began in October last year, having provided training for 130 officers of the armed forces.