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João Lourenço creates a coordination committee to promote financial inclusion in the population

The President of the Republic created the National Strategy for Financial Inclusion Coordination Committee (CCENIF) to increase the levels of access of the population and companies to financial products and services, according to a presidential decree.

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

CCENIF also aims to expand economic activity, reduce social inequalities and improve the well-being of the population.

João Lourenço, in presidential order no. 201/23 of 25 August, already published in Diário da República and to which Lusa had access this Wednesday, states that CCENIF will be coordinated by the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José de Lima Massano.

The entity includes the ministers of Finance, Economy and Planning, Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women, Justice and Human Rights, Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, Education and the coordinator of the Council of Supervisors of the Financial System.

Defining the guiding principles of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (ENIF), promoting initiatives aimed at achieving ENIF, carrying out diagnostic studies, through analytical and in-depth assessment of the state of financial inclusion throughout the national territory are some of the responsibilities of this body.

The CCENIF must also prepare the ENIF and monitor the degree of its implementation, define the ENIF development methodology, identify constraints to the financial inclusion process, defining priority policies, and define the concept of financial inclusion for the country, to determine the limits of strategy.

The CCENIF coordinator must present biannual reports on the implementation of the ENIF to the holder of executive power, the President of the Republic.

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