Ver Angola

Politics Official visit of the Portuguese Prime Minister

Portugal wants a more attractive tax framework for Angolan and other foreign companies

The Portuguese Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, highlighted this Thursday that Portugal wants to create a more attractive tax framework so that more foreign companies, including Angolan ones, can invest in the Portuguese country.

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

"If we lose the competitiveness train, particularly fiscally, we are condemning the country to have less investment. By having less investment, it creates less wealth, it is poorer and will have more difficulty in retaining its own staff, particularly its young staff", he said.

Luís Montenegro called for in Portugal "people to stop and reflect" on whether or not they want to be more competitive than others.

"If we want to believe that everything is fine, that the tax attractiveness of companies is to benefit company owners, we are doing a disservice. It's not for company owners, it's for workers, it's for people who want to move up in life, it's people who have been studying and who want to transform the knowledge they acquired into production capacity", he warned.

"This is what I want for Portugal and it is this message of hope and confidence that I also say and affirm and reaffirm from Angola", he stressed.

Luís Montenegro was speaking to journalists in Porto do Lobito, in the province of Benguela, on the last day of the official visit to Angola that he has been carrying out since Tuesday.


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