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TVI will film a new soap opera in Angola. Recordings start in August

The new soap opera from Portuguese television station TVI will have Angola as its backdrop. The recordings of the new soap opera, provisionally named 'Huíla', start in August in Angola, with its premiere scheduled for October or November.


"The next one is a soap opera produced in Angola. It will premiere between October and November and we will start recording in August with our teams moving to Angola", said José Eduardo Moniz, general director of TVI, in statements during TVI's summer party, which took place on the 6th of July.

Among the names that will make up the cast of this new production, according to MAGG, are Margarida Corceiro, Kelly Bailey, Diogo Infante, Paulo Pires, Cláudio de Castro, Sharam Diniz, Madalena Brandão and Soraia Tavares.

Regarding the new soap opera, Paulo Pires said that his character lives in Angola, showing "a lot of desire to start" the project.

"It's a pleasure to go to Angola, I've never been to Angola. My character is someone who actually lives in Angola, so I will have many scenes there and I really want to start this project", he said, during the party.

Diogo Infante said that they are excited and that they still don't know much about the new project: "We're excited, it's another challenging project, we still don't know very well what it's going to be, we know we have to go to Angola, the story goes in Angola and there are several ties and some of us will have to move to be able to record there".

The novel was written by Maria João Mira, who was also the author of the soap opera 'A Única Mulher', and will revolve around a love story between a Portuguese woman and an Angolan man. According to TVI, the soap opera's action will be centered on a large farm in Angola, with the story taking place between Angola and Portugal.

Remember that this is not the first time that the Portuguese television station has chosen Angolan settings for its productions: the soap opera 'A Única Mulher', also from TVI, was recorded between Portugal and Angola, more specifically Luanda.

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