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PGR arrested five Benguela municipal officials for various crimes

Five people, including the Balombo municipal administrator, have been arrested on suspicion of committing several crimes, including embezzlement, announced this Friday the Attorney General's Office of Lobito district in Benguela province.


In a statement, to which the Lusa agency had access, the PGR highlights that among the detainees are also the municipal director of the Agrarian Development Station (EDA) and the municipal director of education of Balombo municipality, Benguela province.

In addition to the crime of embezzlement, the defendants are suspected of fraud for fraud, trafficking in stolen goods and other property, influence peddling, misappropriation of advantage, criminal association and violation of plan and budget implementation rules.

As a measure of personal coercion, pre-trial detention was applied, taking into consideration the facts, circumstances and other legal assumptions, highlighted in the note.

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