During the meeting, the ruler, who was accompanied by the Secretary of State for Culture, Maria da Piedade de Jesus, "made an approach around the Ractified Conventions and projects already underway, such as: Cultural and Natural Heritage and the holding of the 2nd Luanda Biennial-2021".
In a communiqué sent to VerAngola, the authority also reveals that Adjany Costa highlighted the infrastructure restructuring work that is being done in Mbanza Kongo. According to the document, this work is following the recommendations of UNESCO, with the aim of "enhancing and attracting visits to the province".
"The theme surrounding Cuito Cuanavale's candidacy was also addressed during the meeting" and the ambassador "it was made clear that the work is in progress", indicates the ministry.
During the meeting, the ambassador expressed her willingness to "collaborate with the sector, and guaranteed all the necessary institutional support in the execution of the different Culture, Tourism and Environment projects".