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Namibian government removes 200 children from the streets with probable Angolan origin

The Government of Namibia removed more than 200 children from the streets, allegedly from the Muíla ethnic group, south of Angola, who were engaged in street vending, reported the Ministry of Internal Administration, Immigration, Security and Protection.


According to the Namibian press, the information was provided on Wednesday by the executive director of this ministerial department, Etienne Maritz, and the children were sent to the National Center for Youth Services in Ondangwa.

According to Maritz, quoted in The Namibian, measures were taken to ensure the safety and well-being of these children, as well as to collect information so that they can be reunited with their families.

“Despite their visible social difficulties, many of them refrained from revealing their origins or personal details. Although it is speculated that many come from Angola, most of them chose to remain silent”, says Maritz.

The children were forced to leave their home regions due to socioeconomic difficulties and resorted to street vending in several cities in Namibia to support themselves.

Maritz said that the Government is working with the Angolan authorities to speed up the family reunification process.

“The Government is in close coordination with its Angolan counterparts to facilitate the rapid return of these children to their families”, assured the official.

At the National Youth Services Center in Ondangwa, in addition to shelter, children are receiving food and medical care.

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