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Maria Eugénia Neto says the Portuguese President misused the term “reparations”

Maria Eugénia Neto, widow of the country's first President, António Agostinho Neto, considered, this Friday, that the Portuguese head of State “did not say the right word” when he used the term "reparations" for colonization, suggesting, for example, “correct certain damages”.

: Opaís

The Portuguese-Angolan native, born in Montalegre, Portugal, in 1934, expressed this Friday, in statements to the Lusa agency, her opinion on the topic discussed last April by the Portuguese President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who suggested that Portugal should lead the process of assuming and repairing the consequences of the period of colonialism, with, for example, debt forgiveness, cooperation and financing.

"I think there is a lot of way [to make amends]. They also don't have money, they also have debt," she said.

For Maria Eugénia Neto, there are many ways for Portugal to help, citing, as an example, the Portuguese Government's support for Mozambique's political stability.

"For example, in Mozambique all those bandits were advancing, Frelimo [Frente de Libertação de Moçambique] couldn't do it, Portugal went and took them out, but it's not just that, there's a lot of things", she pointed out.

According to Maria Eugénia Neto, writer and journalist, colonization affected not only Angolans, but Portuguese people too, "many of them were also slaves".

"Poor things, some who came here knew as much or less than those who were here, in terms of reading and everything, so the Portuguese people weren't so sacrificed?", highlighted Maria Eugénia Neto.

The former first lady and president of the Dr. António Agostinho Neto Foundation said she agreed with Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, but understands that the expression was not the most correct.

"The others didn't agree, there are always those who agree and those who don't, but I think he didn't say the right word. The President should have said another word, finally, we can correct certain damages", she highlighted.

Regarding reparations, the Portuguese Government led by the social democrat Luís Montenegro stated that "there was and is not in question any process or program of specific actions with the purpose" of reparation for the Portuguese colonial past and that it will be guided "by the same line" of previous executives.

On another occasion, in Cape Vede, the Portuguese head of state said that reparations to the former colonies are being made through Portuguese cooperation with the former colonies.

"Even now there was an appeal from international institutions for the North to support the South. For Portugal there was no doubt whatsoever about the priority to be given to those states that speak Portuguese, which gained independence after having been colonies", said the head of Portuguese state.

Maria Eugénia Neto repeated that "there are many ways to help and improve relationships and that is what many are doing and have always done".

"Whoever prepared our trip for us to come and fight – they knew we were coming to fight – it was them, it was the Communist Party that prepared our trip, that we were dying, me and my children, my husband, on the way", recalled the Portuguese-Angolan woman about leaving Portugal.

"We only win today if we have good relations with Portugal, we speak the same language, we have a bit of culture that is the same, we have a lot of things and the world has changed", she added.


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