Ver Angola


Namibe: more than 70 percent of agricultural production destroyed by pest

A pest affected more than 100 hectares of diverse production in Namibe, having destroyed 75 percent of agricultural production in the first three months of this year. The information was provided, this Thursday, by Zonza Puissa, provincial director of Agriculture and Livestock, who said that the larvae plague substantially destroyed the tomato and corn plantation, causing losses of 341 tons of the aforementioned products.


Quoted by Angop, the provincial director clarified that, because of this, there was a decrease in production: this year it was 139,900 tonnes, as opposed to the 157 thousand tonnes recorded in the similar period last year.

Among the products most collected at this stage are cereals, tubers and vegetables.

As far as livestock farming is concerned, according to Angop, in the first three months 30 thousand tonnes of meat were produced, compared to the 65 thousand tonnes recorded in the previous year.

Namibe has 144 agricultural cooperatives, as well as 77 controlled peasant associations, which involve more than 9500 families in this production process.

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