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Mário Oliveira guarantees the country's commitment to the development of the African space program

The Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, Mário Oliveira, spoke, this Friday, at the closing of the 3rd edition of NewSpace Africa, having assured on the occasion that the country is committed to working on the development of the space program and telecommunications infrastructures, aiming to support Africa's economic development.

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According to Mário Oliveira, Angola is establishing foundations for the construction and, consequently, the development of infrastructures, and there is a need to count on everyone's support to achieve the desired objectives. Quoted by Angop, he also considered that the experience gained during the event – which took place between Tuesday and Friday, in Luanda – was of great relevance for national citizens linked to the field of telecommunications, which will contribute to the socio-economic development of Angola.

Thus, he reiterated that to get as "far as possible" we need to work together.

"To get as far as possible we have to be together, in collaboration or partnership with all operators and Governments, with Angola committed to working with everyone for the development of our national space program", he said, quoted by Angop.

In his speech he also mentioned the level of participation, considering it to be a strong indication of the academy's commitment to developing the space program, as well as expressing satisfaction that the event was able to achieve the proposed goals and enable the country to become a relevant spatial 'hub' to train professionals.

With the reasonable results achieved, he added, the country's work will involve increasingly bringing the international space industry closer together, with a view to implementing African space programs.

Regarding Angola hosting this conference for the first time, the holder of the Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication portfolio considered that this is a sign that the country is beginning to be seen in continental terms as a relevant foundation for industry and the space program, writes Angop.

In his intervention, he also took the opportunity to mention that the Executive has been working with some international partners with the aim of turning the National Space Program Management Office (GGPEN) into a space agency, and is currently developing the terms of reference in order to be able to take time to create the African Space Agency.

The 3rd edition of NewSpace Africa started last Tuesday and ran until this Friday, in the country's capital, under the motto "The role of space in reducing poverty in Africa".


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