Ver Angola


Angola records fewer crimes, but justice in its own hands is a concern

The crime rate in Angola decreased by almost 13 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior, which reveals, however, concern about cases of justice being taken into their own hands.


In a document, to which the Lusa agency had access, the Ministry's Advisory Council considered the current public security situation in the country to be stable, with 16,290 crimes having occurred between January and March, 2077 fewer than in the same period last year, highlighting the reduction of violent crimes, namely homicides, sexual assaults, attacks on physical integrity and domestic violence.

The Advisory Council shows, however, concern about "some cases of justice taken by one's own hands", which have caused loss of human life or disability to the victims.

He therefore appealed to the population to refrain from practices "that harm the physical integrity of others and disturb public order and tranquility, taking into account that the State has bodies dedicated to guaranteeing Justice".

Lusa requested data on the number of cases of this nature, which has not been possible to obtain so far.

Regarding road accidents, the country also recorded a reduction, with 632 fewer accidents on the roads compared to the same period last year, as did the number of deaths and injuries, with 210 fewer deaths and 855 fewer injuries.

The Advisory Council analyzed on Monday, in a meeting chaired by the Minister of the Interior, Eugénio Laborinho, the country's public security situation for the first quarter of the current year and evaluated several matters that govern the organization and functioning of this ministerial department.


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