Ver Angola


Parliament approved quarterly execution of the 2023 OGE with votes against from UNITA

UNITA requested, this Thursday, the return of the budget execution report for the third quarter of 2023, as more than 60 percent of the accounts were missing, but the request was rejected and the report approved by the parliamentary majority (MPLA).

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

The National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) requested the return of the report as it lacks essential data, as 14 provincial governments (78 percent) did not report and incurred expenses worth an estimated 790 million dollars, which represent 82 percent of the value.

The request was, however, unfeasible and the report approved with votes in favor of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), against of the UNITA and abstentions from the mixed parliamentary group Social Renewal Party (PRS) and National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA ).

In addition to the lack of information mentioned, from provincial governments, in the request UNITA argued that, of the 88 diplomatic missions that incurred expenses estimated at more than 23 million dollars, 65 of them did not report, the same situation occurring with 89 municipal administrations.

"This means, in short, that of the total of 270 units that incurred expenses (88 diplomatic missions, 18 provincial governments and 164 municipalities), only 102 units (38 percent) reported accounts, while 62 percent, that is, 168 did not accounted for", states the request.

With these data, the parliamentary group stressed, "it is clear that an objective and reliable assessment of the aforementioned balance sheet in question by the National Assembly is not possible".

Regarding the accountability of municipal administrations, the Secretary of State for Finance, Ottoniel dos Santos, said that there are administrations that have not presented accounts, but will do so, because the budget execution rules for the last two years provide for a set of measures that encourage managers to send this information.

Ottoniel dos Santos highlighted that this year's implementation rule, in addition to the expected penalty, also provides for one that could lead to these budgetary units not receiving allocations or financial quotas if they do not report the data

"We already have examples in 2024 of budgetary units, which, because they did not send information, did not receive allocations in this first quarter", he revealed, also committing to meet the deadline for sending the fourth quarter report, set for March 31st.

The Report under consideration was executed in a context of uncertainty regarding the recovery of the national and international economy, due to the continued geopolitical situation that has induced a shock in the price of a barrel of oil on the international market.

The official stressed that a negative variation in oil production in the country greatly impacts the execution capacity, highlighting the focus on diversifying the economy to stop being "very dependent" on the oil sector, "which is still in fact the biggest source of revenue" for the country.

In his declaration of vote, deputy Joaquim Nafoia, from the UNITA parliamentary group, highlighted the position of the opposition party, justifying that, as the majority of budgetary units were not accountable, "no one was held politically, financially, disciplinary, civilly or criminally responsible".


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